Our Giving is Personal

Mary Maxwell and Roy Lambert never expected to make a planned gift to Portland State. After retiring, Roy started attending classes through the university's Senior Adult Learning Center. While enrolled, he met PSU students who were facing challenges that impacted their educations. The biggest obstacle was financial.  

Inspired by the determination and dreams of PSU students, Mary and Roy decided to make a planned gift to create an endowed scholarship fund at PSU which will create opportunities for PSU students in perpetuity. They have also supported ongoing initiatives at the university, such as providing students with laptops and wi-fi hotspots to help support remote learning during COVID times, as well as other critical areas related to student success.

In the following video, Mary and Roy speak on the impact they have been able to make at PSU through their outright giving, which will be continued through their planned gift.  

For more information about making a planned gift and joining the Epler Society, please contact Julie Feely, Senior Director of Planned Giving at 503-725-6942, plannedgiving@psuf.org